simplify today
FEEL LIGht, feel free

MY promise

You will not regret sorting your life out and it really doesn’t have to be complicated.  I will support you in an efficient but sensitive way to help you achieve more than you ever thought possible.  Less ‘clutter’ in all areas of your life really can result in feeling light and free.  Some of the other benefits you can expect are more space, more money, more time and more joy!  

So, if you want to feel lighter and free you have come to the right place. At Simplify Today I can help you simplify all areas of your life not just your wardrobe (although this definitely helps!) Feeling lighter and free are just two benefits of keeping things simple and over the coming months and years I will be sharing with you, via my blog, the tips and tricks I have gained over a lifetime both in my personal and work life. What does simplifying mean to you personally? I can help you pinpoint exactly what that is. Are you an empty nester or a retiree? Maybe you have been bereaved and are struggling with what to do with sentimental possessions, are you wanting to downsize to a smaller house or just wanting to downsize your belongings, does your life in general need a spring clean, do boundaries need to be set in some areas? I have personal experience with all these milestones and I have helped others in these areas too. My aim is to help by giving tips via my website and blog posts and for anyone who would like one to one help please give me a call 07888841868 I can help you move forward quickly and efficiently and most of all sensitively. You will not regret sorting your life out’.


Talk to sheila

I am here to sensitively and efficiently help you sort your life out.  

Please contact me to arrange your FREE no obligation consultation